FlareCal Calibration Process


Historically, a Fluenta certified certified engineer had to carry out the zero-point calibration on site. This was a complicated process, had a long lead time and incurred a substantial cost. Now, for the first time, Fluenta is offering a self-service kit called the FlareCal, which enables any competent service engineer to carry out zero-point calibration of the Fluenta ultrasonic transducers on site.
The ultrasonic transducers will need to be removed from the flare lines and be inspected for fouling and damage. Any fouling or damage present needs to be rectified before the transducers are installed in the FlareCal. Then the calibration process is carried out. The entire procedure is menu driven and intuitive. It is laid down in an easy-to-follow, detailed, step-by-step method in the user manual for the relevant engineer to follow. Once that is completed the transducers are installed back into the flare lines. The software provides the data in a zip file which can then be uploaded to Fluenta’s servers. Fluenta’s team will then analyse the data and issue the necessary certificate of compliance.

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