Bias 90 Configurations

A configuration where the transducers are inserted from a single side with the tips angled at 90 degrees to face each other within the flow. This configuration is occasionally required where space is restricted, or where the possible gas compositions include very high levels of CO2 or other difficult-to-measure gasses.

A solution, even where space is limited or gasses are challenging

Why choose Bias-90

Fluenta’s Bias-90 solution should only be deployed when other options have been rejected. Our preferred solution is almost always ‘lateral-45’ or similar, where the transducers transmit across the flow rather than actually being ‘in the flow’ of gas. We do understand though, that there are circumstances where this isn’t possible.

Our engineers are expert in calculating the best solution for your application, and we always advise contacting us (through our general or detailed contact forms) with as much information as possible about your application, so we can assess the options.

Bias-90 Installation Options

FlarePhase Bias-90

Our FlarePhase Bias-90 is used where there are larger pipes and possible concentrations of CO2 above 60%. With Bias-90, we're able to confidently measure in concentrations up to 95% CO2 and in higher flow speeds,

TFS-55 Bias-90

TFS-55 can be used where there are relatively stable process and ambient conditions and without the presence of higher levels of CO2 in any of the required processes.


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