21 Key Considerations to Make Before Choosing a Flare Gas Meter – A Checklist

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Where would you start if you’ve been tasked with specifying a flare gas measurement solution?

Unlike acquiring a new boiler for your home, correctly specifying a flare gas meter requires a thorough process to identify an installation’s needs and requirements before engaging with a vendor. We have seen many operators get this step wrong and end up making up for it with costly fines and measurement problems, but it doesn’t have to be like that.

New and existing facilities need to consider several requirements, including flare meter location, technical capabilities, ability to meet regulatory requirements, cost savings, and support for emission reduction strategies.

Despite the availability of ISO and BSI standards (ISO 17089-1:2010 and BS 7965), when it comes to specifying new flare meters, it becomes easy for cost savings and compliance requirements to over-shadow considerations for long-term accuracy and reliability, leading to inappropriate technology selection during installation and commissioning.

We’ve created this actionable checklist to be used as a supplementary resource to existing standards and guides. It ensures you have clear parameters for specifying a flare gas measurement solution and avoiding ruinous scenarios.

Our R&D and sales teams are on hand to assist with any questions you may have.

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