White Papers

FlareSpec – Meeting Demands and Moving Forward
Fluenta has recently developed a powerful and accurate tool to predict the performance of it’s range of flare-gas measurement solutions in any provided process conditions. The new tool is a game-changer for operators looking for confidence, or who have been previously bitten with flare-measurement systems unable to cope with their actual processes. Published this week […]

Technology Comparison: Thermal Mass Vs. Ultrasonic Meters for Flare Gas Measurement
This article describes and compares ultrasonic and thermal mass technologies used for flare gas measurement and highlights the advantages and disadvantages of each. For ultrasonic measurement, this article refers to Fluenta’s FGM 160 flare gas meter. Measurement Methods An ultrasonic flow meter sends ultrasonic signals across a pipe at a 45° angle to the direction […]

21 Key Considerations to Make Before Choosing a Flare Gas Meter – A Checklist
Specifying a flare gas meter requires a thorough process to identify an installation’s needs and requirements.

Accurate Flare Gas Measurement: The First Step to Net-Zero Carbon Emissions
Flaring in the oil and gas industry significantly contributes to environmental impact. Accurate flare gas measurement is crucial for managing emissions and supporting decarbonization efforts to reach net-zero targets.